
Passionate About Inspiring Others
On a personal level, I am originally from the wild west coast of Canada. Born under a rock in North Vancouver, moved with family to Victoria on Vancouver Island at the age of 10 where I gained a passion for exploring my potential and the world in my early 20's, which led me to Denmark in the late 90's. Still living in the scandinavian country of Denmark today I have adopted some of the scandinavian quality's of living though am still very much 100% a Canadian that loves nature and living life to the fullest.
As a golf coach I have a back ground in functional movement, with the highest levels of certifications from TPI(Titleist Performance Instistute) as a Golf Medical and Golf Fitness coach. This means that I have a good knowledge base and interest for how the body moves biomechanically in the golf swing which helps me understand how we can work around limitations to help prevent injury and to maximize performance in order to help you achieve the best results for your golf swing.
But don't worry about my nerdy understanding of how the body works and how it relates to movement and the golf swing because I take pride in communicating with every client on a level that suits them best so that you will always get the most out of your lessons with me without leaving more confused about your golf swing than before we started. The art of keeping my instruction simple is what allows my clients to improve faster. I like to think that golf instruction should be a enjoyable and pain free experience and I understand that you are often coming to me in a vulnerable state so by helping you enjoy your time with me we are together able to take larger leaps and bounds that allows us to make huges steps forward in your performance.
I am the author of two published books about golf that are written to inspire the readers to understand how they can improve their game on more of a holistic approach. The first book I wrote back in 2016 is called The Golfers Handbook - Save your golf game and your life!
The second book is called My Mind Body Golf. Both books are available on Amazon and have been sold all over the world.
I am a PGA certified golf coach and have a passion for teaching the sport of golf...and even though I still love to play golf when I have the time I have found that I need to have a balance in my life of other activities that allows me to get away from the golf course and recharge. So I have found other passions in my life such as being out in nature and enjoying the challenge of surfing the oceans waves.
I am also in the process of writing new books that are not only challenging me to understand on a deeper level the topics that I am writing about, but in doing so has allowed me to become tuned in to the exact process that promotes my own personal growth and excites me in understanding my own life on a deeper level. I feel that I am constantly searching for more ways to grow and learn which excites me because I am enjoying the momentum of growth and the exploration of my own potential in life which is in my opinion what life is all about, growth.
I love making food, I love eating food, staying healthy and exercising regularly and I love being together with my wife and our two dogs Mila and Lily.
But enough about me, I am more interested in hearing about how I can help you.
PGA af Denmark udlært golfcoach www.pgae.com/members/pga-of-denmark
TPI level 3 Fitness & Medical Coach www.mytpi.com
K-vest Level 2 Biomekanist www.k-motion.com
Boditrak level 1 boditrakperformance.com
LoadXplode survivor - specialist
Mentorship with Jason Glass alumni
Plane Truth level 2 certified
Currently studying at the Egoscue University to get my degree as a PAS (Postural Alignment Specialist) www.egoscue.com
Plus a whole lot of other Golf certs. from Golf Instructors and short game, fitness, medical, and nutritional experts that help build up my toolbox.